Tutorial Proposal Form

We are accepting tutorial proposals for the 2024 conference. Please submit your proposal by downloading the Word Doc here:

Tutorial Proposal Form for PCIC 2024

All tutorial instructors are required to register for the PCIC conference.


Lead Instructors submit proposals to Tutorial SC Chair November 1
Tutorial SC Chair notifies lead instructor of tutorial status January 31
Lead Instructor submits CV of all Instructors March 1
Lead Instructor submits finished tutorial for non-commercialism check August 15

The Tutorial Subcommittee strives to offer a tutorial slate that will appeal to a wide cross section of PCIC attendees depending upon their experience, discipline and responsibilities.  All tutorials are presented by subject matter experts and are intended to help experienced professionals update or refresh their knowledge base and to accelerate development of those new to the profession. The tutorial program is intended to provide all PCIC attendees with an opportunity to expand their PCIC experience, providing even more value as a result of their tutorial participation.

Any individual (s) interested in presenting a tutorial of topics relevant to PCIC attendees, is encouraged to fill out the proposal form. PCIC guidelines for non-commercialism available at the PCIC website are required to be followed for all presentations and handout materials. Due to limited time available for tutorials, tutorials shall be limited to four hours.
The Lead Instructor is responsible for submitting the completed form electronically to the Tutorial Subcommittee Chair.