The Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference (PCIC) mission is to provide an international forum for the exchange of electrical applications technology relating to the petroleum and chemical industry, to sponsor appropriate IEEE standards activity for that industry, and to provide opportunity for professional development.
PCIC has arranged with the IEEE Industrial Applications Society (IAS) to sponsor up to four Co-op/Intern Students or recent graduates to attend the next Conference through the Myron Zucker Travel Grant.
The Myron Zucker Travel Grant which is administered by the Young Engineers Development Subcommittee (YEDS) provides the following benefits for the winning recipients:
- $1000 travel allowance
- Free Hotel Registration.
- Free Conference Registration as a Student.
- One Free Tutorial
In order to be considered for the program the applicants shall:
- Submit application by deadline of May 31st, 2025
- Be an engineering Co-op / intern student, or have graduated less than 2 years ago from a recognized university, college or technical school.
- Be 21 years of age or older.
- Complete the application form.
- Submit, with the application form, a 200-word essay describing the importance of attending the PCIC technical conference.
- Be an Intern or be involved as a co-op worker for a company with one or more members who are full conference registrants; one of whom will vouch for the applicant on the application form.
- Be a student member of IEEE.
- Become a member of the Young Engineers Development Subcommittee (YEDS) by attending the PCIC Orientation Breakfast and YEDS Luncheon.
- Attend the Monday & Wednesday Luncheons.
- Attend the general program meeting, technical paper presentations and one sub-committee meeting.
Applicants who are presenting papers at the conference or otherwise require full Registration are not eligible for the Myron Zucker Travel Grant as the program will only pay for student registrations.
The recipient employers must be willing to pay the applicant their normal salary while they are at the conference, and only one recipient per company will be allowed.
The selection of the Myron Zucker Travel Grant recipients will be selected based on the quality of the submitted essays. Recipients will be notified by June 30th, 2025.
Please navigate to the application form below. Applications including the mandatory essays are required no later than the date listed in the form below.